testing out pregnyl
Testing out Pregnyl 1500 Booster - Assisted Conception - BabyCenter Australia
ForumsMembers Separate names with comma. Useful searches Has anyone been pregnil? Please help! Discussion on '' initiated by , . Active Member Good morning. So now I'm 13dpo. This month I went to inject injections because clomid wasn't working for me this time. I had the triggered 5000 on Tuesday, October 9, and the doctor said he would ovate Thursday. 5dpo and 9dpo had 1500 pregnil. I'm pretty tired right now, not really hungry and eating thinking makes me feel sick (which is not normal for me) and my tits are really hurting and getting more pain as the days pass. So my questions are: how long before that amount of pregnile out of your system? Do you have symptoms of pregnancy? Are they strong? How long did they last? Your period was late if you didn't get that month? If he conceived, how many days after his last shot he could make a scalpel and it was the pregnancy not the pregnition? I'm sorry for all the questions but I'm going crazy waiting and the doctor said I couldn't prove until next Tuesday (5 days away) Active Member Somebody help me! Active Member Okay, I stayed and I just made a hole. 5 days after pregnil and 13dpo. It's a very strong positive, but scared is just the pregnyl. Please help me! Well-Known Member I'm sorry I can't help, since I've never been to any of them I wanted to read and run but good luck and a lot of industry for you. Active Member Thank you, miss. Good luck. Mommy to a Raptor I never used this, but I'm looking for information about everything I see here, and I found this article. Give time information, I hope it helps you a little bit. Active Member Thank you so much for that mac. Very kind of you. Mommy to a Raptor Dr. Google's amazing. I also like to learn new things. I'm an idiot. Well-Known Member I'm in the exact position. It takes 24 hours for 1000iu to leave the system... so buy 2 or 3rd day... it must be out or very light. I got 12dpiui had my last 1500iu two days ago... I'm still getting strong. Active Member Sweet Lullaby said: I'm in the exact position. It takes 24 hours for 1000iu to leave the system... so buy 2 or 3rd day... it must be out or very light. I got 12dpiui had my last 1500iu two days ago... I'm still getting strong BFPs.... I'm not sure how to think Click to expand... Oh sweet lullaby is so hard, right? I called my fertility nurse yesterday about the results and said it would definitely be the pregnile even after 5 days. I had a little blood arvo yesterday when I cleaned up but I haven't seen it again so now I'm freaking out even more thinking it's not our month. Even though my tits are still tender, they're not as close to tender as they were. My period is due today so I know there's a chance. I could be late. Oh this is incredibly hard Good luck to you sweet lullaby I'm in the exact position. It takes 24 hours for 1000iu to leave the system... so buy 2 or 3rd day... it must be out or very light. I got 12dpiui had my last 1500iu two days ago... I'm still getting strong BFPs.... I'm not sure how to think Click to expand... Active Member Okay so I did another test I promised not to do again and this time even before I left the toilet was positive and a little darker than yesterday. No more bleeding either. Oh, how I hope I'm pregnant! Well-Known Member Girl 4 said: Okay so I did another test I promised not to do again and this time even before I left the toilet was positive and a little darker than yesterday. No more bleeding either. Oh, how I hope I'm pregnant! Click to enlarge... Good luck. I am 13dpiui and I also have a positive fort this morning... the line came up just like the line of control. I also had some stains today... my first iui 3 years ago was a bfp.. I realized the day I would have had AF... that BFP is now my 3rd DD Okay so I did another test I promised not to do again and this time even before I left the toilet was positive and a little darker than yesterday. No more bleeding either. Oh, how I hope I'm pregnant! Click to enlarge... Active Member Sweet Lullaby said: Girl 4 said: Okay so I did another test I promised not to do again and this time even before I left the toilet was positive and a little darker than yesterday. No more bleeding either. Oh, how I hope I'm pregnant! Click to enlarge... Good luck. I am 13dpiui and I also have a positive fort this morning... the line came up just like the line of control. I also had some stains today... my first iui 3 years ago was a bfp.. I saw the day I would have had AF... that BFP is now my 3rd DDClick to expand... Good luck to Hun. Please let me know how you get. Girl 4 said: Okay so I did another test I promised not to do again and this time even before I left the toilet was positive and a little darker than yesterday. No more bleeding either. Oh, how I hope I'm pregnant! Click to enlarge... Good luck. I am 13dpiui and I also have a positive fort this morning... the line came up just like the line of control. I also had some stains today... my first iui 3 years ago was a bfp.. I saw the day I would have had AF... that BFP is now my 3rd DDClick to expand... Okay so I did another test I promised not to do again and this time even before I left the toilet was positive and a little darker than yesterday. No more bleeding either. Oh, how I hope I'm pregnant! Click to enlarge... Active Member Hi. Just update for more reference. Af was about last Thursday, there's no sign yet! I had had a positive fort every day since then to wait to have my bt on Tuesday to really confirm but it looks good. Yay could have passed and actually stayed this time: Well-Known Member Hi Ladies Can I ask wts to update with Pregnyl... any positive results? Active Member Yeah, I'm 23 weeks pregnant. I almost lost this too because of very low progesterone but the luck my doctor was on it quickly and everything is great now good luck to you! Pregnant with my rainbow Just wow, 23 weeks of hope or means 2-3 hun congratulates tho Well-Known Member Girl 4 said: Yeah, I'm 23 weeks pregnant. I almost lost this too because of very low progesterone but the luck my doctor was on it quickly and everything is great now good luck to you! Click to enlarge... Good luck. Baby, happy to see you soon with a baby another lady with me at Metformin's forum, she also got preggo this month after shooting and trembling too Afm, cd32 and dpo16... had a house test in cd14, comes BFN Tomorrow's my date with Dr., I might go to beta test. Yeah, I'm 23 weeks pregnant. I almost lost this too because of very low progesterone but the luck my doctor was on it quickly and everything is great now good luck to you! Click to enlarge... Share this page
Anyone tested out Pregnyl 1500? UPDATE HCG only 11 - Assisted Conception - BabyCenter Australia
Testing out pregnyl - Assisted Conception - BabyCenter Australia
Testing out Pregnyl 1500 boosters... because I am crazy! - Assisted Conception - BabyCenter Australia
Testing out Pregnyl 1500 Boosters - Anybody with me? - Assisted Conception - BabyCenter Australia
Testing out pregnyl 1500 booster - Assisted Conception - BabyCenter Australia
This is what testing out 1500 pregnyl trigger looks like - Glow Community
Pregnyl definitely gives false positives to day 9! - Assisted Conception - BabyCenter Australia
Testing out trigger shot? - Fertility Treatments | Forums | What to Expect
Testing out 1500IU pregnyl. BFP?? - Getting pregnant - BabyCenter Australia
Conceivable Notions: Our TTC Journey: Testing Out My HCG Trigger
Testing out pregnyl 1500 for the second cycle :) (will write more in the comments) 9dpo, FRER. (Also this is my first post! Hope it's okay) : TFABLinePorn
JUNE 2WW pregnyl 1500 booster question - Page 1 | BabyCentre
Average" time to get a positive after fresh 5 day transfer? - Fertility Treatments | Forums | What to Expect
Testing out Pregnyl 1500 Boosters - Anybody with me? - Assisted Conception - Page 2 - BabyCenter Australia
Testing Out Pregnyl 1500iu Shots | DD IVF
13DPO, 7 days post 5000 IU Pregnyl - 3 day progression - lend me your eyes : TFABLinePorn
How Soon Can You Take A Pregnancy Test After Pregnyl 1500 - Pregnancy Test Work
Testing out trigger FRER progression 💗 - Glow Community
Testing out Pregnyl 1500 Boosters - Anybody with me? - Assisted Conception - BabyCenter Australia
10-16 dpo with Pregmate brand tests. Testing out Pregnyl after microdosing : TFABLinePorn
FRER results after 1500iui pregnyl booster - Assisted Conception - BabyCenter Australia
12 dpt (pregnyl 5000) 10 dpo ?BFP - February 2020 Babies | Forums | What to Expect
Testing out clomid/pregnyl cycle - Page 1 | BabyCenter
pregnyl – Blog of A Happy Wife
Testing out 10,000 IU Pregnyl HCG Injection with Pregmate. 9 DPO/CD 19 (technically CD 184). Time has slowed - it is sooo close to being out of my system!! : TFABLinePorn
testing out pregnyl trigger shot with hpt... | BabyandBump
Testing out pregnyl 1500 booster - Assisted Conception - BabyCenter Australia
Testing out trigger progression - today 10 dpt 9dpo line Accumed brand : TFABLinePorn
Testing out pregnyl 1500 booster - Assisted Conception - BabyCenter Australia
hCG After A Trigger Shot – Mama's Musings
Novarel 10,000 units question! — The Bump
Pregnancy Testing after Pregnyl 1500iui - Assisted Conception - BabyCenter Australia
Pregnyl booster. - Assisted Conception - BabyCenter Australia
Trigger or Real BFP? Line got lighter than darker. - Fertility Treatments | Forums | What to Expect
Trigger shot or BFP?? - Glow Community
CD26, 9 dpiui, 11 days post pregnyl trigger (10,000ius) and 4 days post pregnyl booster trigger (5,000ius) FRER. Could this still be the trigger? : TFABLinePorn
Testing Out Trigger - Trying to Conceive | Forums | What to Expect
Trigger not fading AT ALL (12 days past trigger, 10-11dpo) 10,000 pregnyl after letrozole. Wondfo and Clinical Guard. Wtf? : TFABLinePorn
Testing out trigger - 10dpt/9dpo line - Page 1 | BabyCenter
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